Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wash Your Hands!

We've probably all heard the advice about having kids sing a song when they wash their hands to make sure they scrub long enough. I've heard the "birthday song" or alphabet as suggestions. In a public restroom last week I heard a mom singing a far more useful song I definitely plan to teach my kids, and I thought some of you other mommies might enjoy it too!

Set to the tune of Frere Jacques (also known as "Are you Sleeping"):

Top and bot-tom, Top and bot-tom
In be-tween. In be-tween.
Rub 'em all to-geth-er. Rub 'em all to-geth-er
Squea-ky clean. Squea-ky clean.

There is so much great mom-wisdom out there. Not only am a blessed to have a mom and two great mother-in-laws that I feel comfortable talking to about anything, but I've also been slowly gathering a network of other mom's who have shared wisdom with me about everything from healthy sleep and nursing to discipline and homeschooling. I hope all my young mom friends are tapping into the amazing breadth of knowledge found in the mom's in their life. It's so much more comforting and reassuring than the books written by "experts"!

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