Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Favorites

I get tired of cooking and eating the same things over and over and am always excited to find a new recipe, especially if it's tasty, frugal and healthy. Bonus points if it does all those things while remaining vegetarian. Finding meatless recipes my husband gets excited about is one of my most challenging goals- fortunately he's a good sport about my sometimes less-than-stellar attempts : )

I can't guarantee my Friday recipes will live up to such a high calling, but I will try. In return, if you read this, I'd love for you to leave a comment with a favorite of yours or a link up to a recipe on your blog (again, don't feel like it has to fit all the categories above.)

I look forward to reading your recipes!

This week's favorite comes from a website I turn to for inspiration quite often:

black bean burritos

This recipe can be put together in less than 20 minutes and is frugal, healthy and vegetarian. Oh, and did I mention it tastes so good my husband looks forward to it?

My tweaks:

I use frozen corn and saute it up with the zucchini. This recipe is really flexible about what you can add/omit. I rarely have red peppers on hand so I've never used them in the recipe. I also don't take the time to fry the tortilla's, but I bet that would be yummy.

I also recently learned that making my own beans is as simple adding 1 cup of dry beans to 4 cups of water and putting it all in the crock pot on high for 3 hours. I tried it this week and it worked great. Next time I will double the batch so I have some left to freeze.

And in the interest of full disclosure, we add sour cream to ours. It makes them even more delicious, if slightly less healthy!


  1. Yummm! Black beans are one of the things we miss most over here...we have to settle for kidney beans now

  2. I have recipes for those too! We eat lots of beans (insert joke here).

    : )
