Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gardens, Good Things, and God

With lots and lots of help from David, I was able to accomplish May's goal of getting our garden started. We planted 4 rows of lettuce, 1 row of carrots and have tomato and eggplant seedlings growing on our porch. So far, I've killed one entire row of lettuce by forgetting to add potting mix and sticking the seeds straight in our rocky, clay-like soil. The rest of the garden has survived two hail storm assaults and a week of neglect while we were in Baltimore.


It's so exciting to come out each day and see plants that have literally grown over night. Caleb enjoys "helping" me water (eg, he's obsessed with the hose) and David is always willing to dig yet another row. It really has been a team effort. It's also reminded me a lot about how growth takes time, patience and nurturing. A good reminder for me in my new role as "mom".

The lettuce is almost big enough to be thinned again

Despite the 90+ degree weather, spring remains in full force in our yard thanks to a wonderful large Maple tree that shelters the smaller bushes from the sun's relentless heat. Red, pink and yellow knock-out roses are in full bloom and making their best effort to take over our back patio, the wisteria survived two rounds of hail and some lovely purple flowers have appeared on an unnamed bush towards the back of the yard.

June is already looking like a busy month with a cook out, a yard sale, a visit from David's brother (woo-hoo!) and a very special first birthday on the horizon. In light of all this, my only "goal" for June is that rather than using these things as a means of avoiding God because I'm "busy", I would spend much needed time in communion with Him.

It's so easy for me to think God's plan for me is to be a "good wife" or "good mom" as if those things are all he created me for. And while those things are wonderful and important, I am made for so much more. Caring for our home and son are just a few means of bringing God honor. When I'm not communing with God, even those things become means of avoiding Him and I miss out on touching base with all the other things He's created me for as well. I forget that my role isn't just to meet my families physical needs, but their spiritual ones as well.

So in this busy season of gardening, farmer's markets, hospitality, birthdays, diapers and dishes- I want to remember that life is about even more than all of these wonderful things.

1 comment:

  1. spend time with God in all you do - while playing with Caleb delight conversation between you, Caleb and God - Chase loves to talk to him! While having a moment of silence in the shower, gardening, folding the clothes - pray, let it be known your love for the almighty. Lord, God, almighty - he has put as on the earth, he knows our heart and souls, he knows every we move we make and even during all the "busy" your heart still cries out to him even when you don realize it - just mentally and emotionally include him in all you do and Caleb will automatically do the same =] Wish you were closer so I could share our veggies with you guys! =] God Bless Sarah! ♥
