We recently addressed the topic of "work" in Sunday school, which helped bring together a lot of things I've been learning recently. As I read over the questions our study guide was asking (What is the purpose of your work?, Who determines what is valued or how goals are reached? How is success defined?) I was in awe of both the incredible responsibility and freedom my job offers.
So what is my job exactly? Hmmm, that was a hard one for me to sum up, but I found thinking of it as the three-legged stool of Wife, Mother, and Homemaker to be the most useful. Recently, God has brought 3 articles to my attention (one for each of these areas)that I have found tremendously helpful and I wanted to share them:
On Being a Wife: This article makes the case that excellent wives aren't found, but formed over time. She sums it up this way: "It takes a 10-minute ceremony to become a wife. It takes a lifetime to become an excellent wife – one who understands that Christ’s shed blood on the cross is needed to offer excellence to our husbands." Definitely worth a read!
On Being a Mother: Many articles on motherhood tend to over glamorize the profession. This article takes a balanced approach, reminding us who are in the thick of wiping a face, highchair, nose, tush, etc. for the 50th time that it is an important vocation without using idealized visions of how our days look. Confession: I've actually read this about 3 times now because I'm just that encouraged after each reading!
On Being a Home Maker: Not as deep as the previous two articles, but a great reminder to me that sometimes the best thing I can do towards keeping our home running smoothly is to just do SOMETHING. Yes, even if it means just one toilet gets cleaned today...
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