Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Us!

As always, David and I spent some time this anniversary reflecting on the past year- how we've grown, how we want to grow more, all the things we're thankful for about the other person. It feels like we just got married yesterday in some ways, but I realized I was already beginning to forget how we celebrated each anniversary. Here's a quick photo recap:

May 16, 2009
The day that started it all

May 2010 
 We picked up lunch and Panera and took it to a nearby state park. We walked by a stream, I rested on our picnic blanket to ease my back pain and we imagined what it would be like to be parents. 
David sneaking in a kiss to my chubby-bunny cheeks
All the weight was worth it. I'm about 5 weeks away from meeting Caleb in this photo.
May 2011
At this point, we were now veteran parents of an 11 month old, had moved to Florida and then back to Pennsylvania again for David's job. We'd almost gotten the boxes unpacked when David needed to travel for work again. This time, for just a week and I have to admit, just like our Florida trip, it ended up being pretty sweet : )
The view from our hotel on Baltimore's historic inner-harbor

I didn't have to cook or clean (much) for a week

I met our amazing friends, Drew and Melissa for the first time. They offered to watch Caleb for us one night so we could go out to eat for our anniversary. Little did we know then we'd be using the swap system for date nights for the next year, or that Melissa would completely take over watching Caleb while I had pain clinic appointments because she's amazing!

Somehow, we managed to not get a photo together the entire month of May. This is from a date we took while still in Florida.

May 2012
 I'd say this year was both the hardest and the easiest year of marriage yet. Hard dealing with my chronic pain issues, but easy because we've learned to love each other so much better! We celebrated the ups and downs with an overnight away in DC. We enjoyed the city, our (uninterrupted!) time with one another, ice cream and sleeping in...although not in that order ; )

Getting off the Metro at Union Station

First stop, the historic DC post office and museum

The Capitol Building

Together on the National Lawn after spending some time in the American History museum.

I love milestones and traditions. I love reminiscing and looking back. I love planning for what is to come. I'm so so thankful for every year we've gotten to spend with one another. I'm thankful for a husband who challenges me, encourages me to grow, prays for me and loves me unconditionally. Thank you so much to all the friends and family who have celebrated, encouraged and been there along the way!

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