This month my word has been ROUTINE. Schedules bog me down, but routines free me. I’ve already seen the joy and energy that’s been added to my day from making sure to begin the day with a warm breakfast, 10 minutes of tummy toning (I’m trying to lose that "4 months pregnant" look), a shower/clothes for the day (not jammies!), and most importantly time for scripture and prayer. This is all I can accomplish in Caleb's 1.5hr morning nap, but it makes me so much MORE productive the rest of my day. I would have never believed it. David has been amazed at the change in my attitude and the state of our home.
My only other routine has been one we’ve enjoyed since before our son was born, but was taken to new levels of necessity back in the days of colic. We take a 1 hour family walk just prior to our Caleb’s bed time. It really gets us through what continues to be the fussiest time of day and gives us time to connect after a day spent apart. David carries Caleb in the Ergo so they get some much needed cuddle time.
I know a lot of people make a new years resolution to exercise so I wanted to share a little more on my journey towards getting back in shape. I've been steadily (but slowly) losing my baby weight. After being plateaued at 10lbs above my goal for several months I decided I needed to actually work at it instead of just hoping nursing would do the job for me.
In just 10 days, I've discovered one very important thing:
-If it's not simple I won't do it. Complicated exercises are not for me. I do 4 basic tummy toners 3x's/week. It takes me less than 10 minutes and I've already started to see a change! Consistently doing a few basics has been way better for me than trying to do some super-hard exercises and then avoiding exercise all together because it's so miserable!
Now the really important news...How is Caleb doing? About a week ago I was having another spurt of feeling like nothing we do makes that poor kid happy. It seemed like every nap and transition was a struggle, sleep deteriorated again, and I felt lost as a mom. After a few "woe is me" emails and conversations with friends, God began convicting me that my attitude was preventing me from enjoying the child he's given me because I was envying (read: sinning) the joy other children seem to have.
Surprise surprise, once I confessed this attitude and repented, things started going a lot better. Not only was my heart better, but Caleb has been a true joy to be with. He's suddenly much more interested in communicating with us through smiles, raspberries and babble. We are loving getting to see him learn how to scoot himself all over and actually begin to like solids. Something about this past week has made us both realize, "he is growing!"
I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2011 brings!
1 comment:
Oh Mama C and her inspirational her! Glad to hear things are going well with you guys, thanks for sharing all that you're learning!
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